Resisting the Now

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This is summer

The beach

My soul’s happy sense of ‘home’
The ocean, water, sand, blues, greens, scent in the air
The beach
Time with my kids
though this year it’s just with my 19-year-old son.

Malibu, a few days ago
We did what we’ve done 1000 times before
Plopping everything down on the sand, our spot for the day
But today, when my son took off his t-shirt, I had the sudden realization
There was not one ounce of ‘boy’ standing before me
I watched as he ran off into the ocean…
Searching for signs of the little boy, but there were none.

There was a young man.

A visceral drop in the heart
The pang
Recognizing your little boy has turned into a young man
(yes, I’ve ‘known’, but not really felt it or tuned into it)
The little boy grown into this body of his
And…the knowing he’ll be leaving for college soon.

I catch myself longing and grasping for summer days gone by.
I hear the words in my mind… “I want more time.”

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Time when both kids were little
Before you really recognize how fleeting time is with them.

Longing for summer days gone by
Long days at the beach
Kids boogie boarding, body surfing, walks, exploring the tide pools, and all they hold
At the end of those days, finally back home
Pool, backyard BBQs
Dinners outside
A time long ago yet feels so close to the heart.

I catch myself wishing, and resisting what is ‘now.’

I realize I’m caught in a mind video of time gone by…which really only causes more ache.

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I pause.
Turning within
Sensing into my body
acknowledging the heartache and sense of loss
My heart aches, sensing a constriction.

I take a few deep breaths- aware of the breath moving through my body
No longer pushing the pain away but allowing a soothing & softening.
Compassion arises.

Something shifts
A sense of appreciation for the precious time alone with my son
Exactly how he is
Reveling in who he has become and what lies ahead for him.

My heart fills with love for this ‘boy’ of mine.

Basking in the sun
I feel joy
Not fighting or resisting
But marveling in this moment
Exactly as we are
This shared love of the ocean, time in the water, another walk, time in the tidepools
This time we have together…right now.

This is summer.

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Jill Kranitz1 Comment